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  1925prints003.jpg - 1925. "This image of the two little girls, taken around 1925, shows my mother, Dorothy Janette Zeltinger, as a child holding the hand of a teacher. On the back is written, ""Toots & teacher near Medicine Rock or near Marmareth [N.D.]"" - DJM JrRegarding Medicine Rock, there is a National State Historic Site Park site there:""Located in Grant County, this site preserves an area of religious significance to Indian peoples. The site contains a large rock bearing pictographs and a circular ring of dark vegetation reputed to be the remains of a dance ring.""I've attached an image of Medicine Rock. In 1805, the Lewis & Clark expedition went to see Medicine Rock.""Two Mandan chiefs visited Fort Mandan on Feb. 21, 1805. They told William Clark that several men from their village had gone to consult a medicine stone, which was a three-day march south of the Knife River villages. The stone fostered visions. After sleeping near the stone, the men would inspect its surface for marks that would foretell the future. ""They have great confidence in this Stone and Say that it informs them of every thing which is to happen, & visit it every Spring and & Sometimes in the Summer ..., "" Clark wrote. Marmarth is a little railroad town in Western ND near the Montana border."  

1925. "This image of the two little girls, taken around 1925, shows my mother, Dorothy Janette Zeltinger, as a child holding the hand of a teacher. On the back is written, ""Toots & teacher near Medicine Rock or near Marmareth [N.D.]"" - DJM Jr Regarding Medicine Rock, there is a National State Historic Site Park site there: ""Located in Grant County, this site preserves an area of religious significance to Indian peoples. The site contains a large rock bearing pictographs and a circular ring of dark vegetation reputed to be the remains of a dance ring."" I've attached an image of Medicine Rock. In 1805, the Lewis & Clark expedition went to see Medicine Rock. ""Two Mandan chiefs visited Fort Mandan on Feb. 21, 1805. They told William Clark that several men from their village had gone to consult a medicine stone, which was a three-day march south of the Knife River villages. The stone fostered visions. After sleeping near the stone, the men would inspect its surface for marks that would foretell the future. ""They have great confidence in this Stone and Say that it informs them of every thing which is to happen, & visit it every Spring and & Sometimes in the Summer ..., "" Clark wrote. Marmarth is a little railroad town in Western ND near the Montana border." Download Original Image
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