Appraising Personal Property: Principles & Methodology – 10th Edition
— with 2024 USPAP Updates —
by David Maloney, AOA CM
Now in Print or PDF format

This award-winning book is the only complete, up-to-date, well-organized, practical and fully-indexed course book and reference guide to personal property appraising—highly-acclaimed as the definitive book about appraising.
ü 2024 USPAP Compliant
ü 100s of changes
ü 627 footnotes for added clarity
ü 730 pages
Each page has been fully edited to enhance clarity and understandability and to ensure compliance with 2024 USPAP and other best appraisal practices. Now available in either print or PDF format for the straight-from-the-author price of only $99.95 plus shipping and tax. Go here for more information about the book!
“Before running out the door when hurricane Irma hit, I grabbed my important papers, my family photos, and my copy of Dave Maloney’s book on appraising!”
“Although I have done plenty of loss-of-value work in the past, for this major assignment I wanted to ground my efforts in as much relevant literature as possible, so I went to Maloney’s volume. What I found was perhaps the most thorough and practical articulation of the loss-of-value concept I had ever seen. As I worked through my appraisal report, the relevant sections on loss-of-value in his book served as both a conceptual template and a road map for handling the project.“
“Clear, user-friendly, great index and sample appraisals, and the best explanations I have ever seen—simply put, there is no other book like it! I must say, your ISA award was “well deserved” and everyone… and I mean EVERYONE… who is an appraiser, or claims to be an appraiser, SHOULD HAVE YOUR BOOK.”
“I concluded that this is very probably the most thorough book on appraising personal property available in the marketplace today.”
“It is so right and proper that you should receive the award for your outstanding book. All of us in the profession should recognize the tremendously significant contribution you have made to the appraisal profession.”
“As an Integrated Studies scholar, I have to be impressed with this book’s dovetailing of theory and practice as well as the interdisciplinary approach that considers valuation, ethics, legal issues, and business in one volume. But as a practicing appraiser I see this edition of Appraising Personal Property: Principles & Methodology as more than a demonstration of integrated thinking. The volume is additionally a first-rate reference tool for any appraiser and an excellent addition to the body of literature for our profession.”
. . .
l Thoroughly conforms with the 2024 USPAP l
l New and expanded discussions l
l Loaded with 627 footnotes l
l Detailed Table of Contents and Index l
l Built-in plain English guide to USPAP l
l Appraisal wording helps ensure complete and USPAP-compliant reports l
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“Update” Icons Make it Easy to Find Major Changes!
(View changes that were incorporated into the 10th edition.)
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Appraising Personal Property: Principles and Methodology – 10th Ed by David J. Maloney, AOA CM (Appraisers Press 2024), ISBN 978-1-7343826-1-7, 730 pages, 8 1/2″ x 11″, softcover, perfect bound. $99.95 plus shipping and state sales tax if applicable. Click here for more about the print version.
Also available in digital PDF format. Click here to order the PDF e-version.